
Theatre You Can Bike Along With

Cycle is a solo-show written, developed, and performed by Andrew Ritchie. A story told from a stationary bike explores Ritchie's personal experience, history, and politics of active transportation and cycle culture in Canada. Audience members seated on stationary bikes will be asked to pedal alongside Ritchie as he traverses the dangers and highs of urban transportation and gig work culture. Inspired by true experiences as a bike food courier in Toronto, and the financial and physical precariousness of trying to 'make living' in Canada, Cycle will get your blood pumping and cultivate a new respect for the two-wheeled travel.


Director: Kristi Hansen*

Choreographer: Ainsley Hillyard

Sound Designer: liv mcrobbie

Cast: Andrew Ritchie

Dramaturge: Geoffrey Simon Brown

Stage Manager: Galen Hite

*The participation of these Artists is arranged by permission of Canadian Actors’ Equity Association under the provisions of the Dance Opera Theatre Policy (DOT).

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    • Comedy/Drama